【思ったこと】170308(水)オドノヒュー&ファーガソン『スキナーの心理学』(20)第4章 徹底的行動主義(2)
Skinner forther stated that "behaviorism is a formulation which makes possible an e ective experimental approach to human behavior. It is a working hypothesis.
It is important to keep clear about what kind of thing radical behaviorism is and is not. It is not a scientific law or set of empirical findings. It is rather, a metascientific position that attempts to define what the science of behavior should look like. A metascientific position is "beyond" or "above" science and is the level upon which general questionsabout science are examined. It answers questions such as: What should the psychologist study ―behavior, consciousness, unconsciousness? What methods should the psychologist use to study this domain―introspection, paper-and-pencil questionnaires, large social surveys, experiments? What are the most general organizing principles for this science―evolutionary biology, physiology, physics, or sociology?
ということで、研究対象とその方法を明らかにすることが、徹底的行動主義とそれ以外の心理学を区別するキーポイントとなる。その上で、「...the proper subject matter of psychology is behavior, both overt and covert.(顕在的、潜在的、両面にわたる行動こそが心理学にふさわしい研究対象だ」ということを根本主張に挙げている。)」と指摘されていた。