【思ったこと】 170602(金)ボーム『行動主義を理解する』(21)公的事象・私的事象・自然事象・架空事象(12)私的事象(2)
ボーム(著)森山哲美(訳)(2016).『行動主義を理解する―行動・文化・進化―』 二瓶社.
翻訳書69頁以下では、私的事象(私的出来事)が、思考事象(thinking event)と感覚事象(sensing event)に分類されている。思考事象とは、「私的に語る」事象、つまり公的な発話と関係するが、感覚事象では、それに対応する公的事象がない。
- 【思考事象】「映画に行こうと思っている」←「映画に行く傾向がある、行きそうである」という公的事象に対応
- 【感覚事象】「昔見た絵を思い描いている」
- 【思考事象】「このボタンを押すとどうなるのだろう」←声に出してつぶやいても、無言で考えても同じ
Thinking, for the present discussion, is speaking privately. This may seem too narrow, because thinking is used in many other ways in everyday talk. "I am thinking of going to a movie" means I am inclined, or likely, to go to a movie. "I am thinking of a painting I once saw means I am imagining the painting, and is best understood as a sensing event.
Thinking is usefully set apart from sensing events, because thoughts have a relationship to public speech that sensing events do not. A thought may be stated publicly or privately. (Skinner uses the words overt and covert.) 【以下略】
Thinking, for the present discussion, is speaking privately, what Watson called "sub-vocal speech. This may seem too narrow, because thinking is used in many other ways in everyday talk. I am thinking of going to a movie" means I am inclined, or likely, to go to a movie. "I am thinking of a painting I once saw" means I am imagining the painting, and is best understood as a sensing event. "I think capital punishment should be abolished" puts thinking in the same position as believing, which means I am likely to argue against capital punishment and engage in other activities like that.
Thinking as sub-vocal speech is usefully set apart from sensing events, because thoughts have a relationship to public speech that sensing events do not. A thought may be stated publicly or privately (Skinner used the words overt and covert).