【連載】NHK『ダークサイドミステリー 神秘の古代ミステリー 徹底検証!日本・ユダヤ同祖論(6)McLeod『Epitome of the Ancient history of Japan』(マクレオド『日本古代史の縮図』)
まず紹介されたのは、N.McLeodによる『Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan』(ノーマン・マクレオド『日本古代史の縮図』、1875年)であり、
●相当間違いというか、大胆な(歴史と文化の)圧縮があって、全然 日本人が納得しない説明。だから外国人向けのパンフレットとしてある種「おもしろく」、「興味をひく」ように作ったという印象は拭えない。
THE Empire of Japan is peopled by three distinct races, viz:- The AINO (Aa. Inu) race, the aborigines of the North, A LITTLE RACE, the aborigines of the South, And the JEWISH RACE, the descendants of the Princes, Samurai, and people of Jin Mu Tenno, each race having brought with them separate belongings, which indicate their origin.
Besides these, there are a few COREANS, part of them, the descendants of Tyco Sama's captives, and the remainder many of the Yetas or Tanners 【←分からない】of Japan. The descendants of a Negro race may also be seen in different parts of the country; but they are very few in number; likewise to prevent any future misunderstanding, it will be necessary for me thus early to make mention of what might be fairly termed a MIXED RACE, viz: the descendants of the Aa. Inu race, the TOKUGAWA SAMURAI, who intermarried with the daughters of Jin Mu Tenno's, or the Jewish race.
This occurred when Iyeyasu or Gon- gen Sama the founder of the Tokugawa Dynasty of Shoguns (or Tycoons) had completely overpowered the descendants of Jin Mu Tenno, or the Jewish race; he and his successors then built castles all along different parts of the Tokaido, or main public road of Japan; and like- wise built other castles nearly everywhere, intersecting the territories of the Jewish or Jin Mu Tenno's Princes. descendants; and to these castles, which he built, he added the surrounding lands which he had previously wrested from the Princes of the Jewish race, and these castles and lands he gave to relatives of his own, as well as to all his adherents who had helped him to conquer the Jewish race.
And of these relatives and adherents of his, he made Daimios of his own creation, who are termed FUDAI by which name they can easily be distin- guished from the Princes of the Jewish race, see Bukan, or Book containing the genealogy of the Imperial family, Kuges, and all the Princes of Japan. It is likewise said that the Tokugawa caused all the large war vessels of the other race to be destroyed, so that they could not come to Yedo by sea. The Tokugawa dynasty of Shoguns thus converted the Empire of Japan into one vast prison for the Jewish race, of which they held the keys, (the castles they built) and compelled the Princes of that race to send those nearest and dearest to them to remain as hostages in Yedo, the capital of the Shoguns, for their due submission and yearly payment of tribute or presents to the Shogun, as an acknowledgement of his sovereignty over them; and any attempt to free the Emperor, their rightful ruler, from his palace prison in Kiyoto might have been the death signal to the hostages, their nearest relatives, whom they only were permitted to see once a year.
また、これらの親族や信奉者のうち、【独自に作られた】大ミオス【大名】を自作【任命】した。彼らは「フダイ【譜代】」と呼ばれ、ユダヤ民族の王子たちと容易に区別できる。同様に、徳川は他民族の大型軍船をすべて破壊させ、彼らが海路で江戸に来れないようにしたと言われている。こうして徳川将軍家は、大日本帝国をユダヤ民族のための広大な牢獄に変え、その鍵(自分たちが建てた城)を握り、ユダヤ民族の王子たち【大名の家族】に、将軍家の首都である江戸に人質として残るよう強制した; 正統な統治者である天皇を清都【京都】の牢獄から解放しようとする試みは、年に一度しか会うことが許されない最も近しい身内である人質たちにとって、死の合図となりかねなかった【背けば死罪になりかねなかった】。
A Miya or Imperial Prince was always kept in Uyeno, Yedo, by the Tokugawa, for the purpose of being raised to the Imperial dignity, in case the Emperor should have made good his escape from his imperial prison in Kiyoto. During the year 1862 the hostages having been permitted to return to their homes, there was then no obstacle to break the iron yoke of the Tokugawa, and the battle of Fushimi restored the Emperor to power, and for ever abolished the government of the Tycoon or Shogun.
天皇が清都【京都】の牢獄から脱出した場合に備えて、徳川は常に宮(皇太子)を上野に置いていた。文久2年(1862年)、人質たちは故郷に戻ることを許され、徳川の鉄のくびきを断ち切る障害はなくなった。 そして伏見の戦いは、天皇を権力の座に復帰させ、タイクーンや将軍の政治を永久に廃絶させた。