




関係反応と関係フレームをどう説明するか(14)「関係フレーム」とは何か?(3) 相互的内包(1)




Mutual Entailment(相互的内包)
A relation between two events involves responding to one event in terms of the other and vice versa. Arbitrary stimulus relations are always mutual: If A is related to B, then B is related to A. The specific relations involved can vary. If A is larger than B, then B is smaller than A. If the first relation is specified, the second is entailed: thus the term “mutual entailment.” The term “mutual entailment” describes the fundamental bidirectionality of relational responding, even when such bidirectionality is not symmetrical. It serves as a more generic term for what is called “symmetry” in stimulus equivalence. Mutual entailment is a defining characteristic of arbitrarily applicable relational responding.
All forms of arbitrarily applicable relational responding, by definition, must be brought to bear on the situation by contextual events other than purely the nonarbitrary properties of the relata themselves. Mutual entailment applies when in a given context A is related in a characteristic way to B, and as a result B is now related in another characteristic way to A in that context. It is sometimes useful to have a technical set of symbols to describe this simple concept. Mutual entailment can be represented by the formula:

  • "Crel" symbolizes a context in which a history of a particular kind of relational responding is brought to bear on the current situation.
  • “r” stands for a relation brought to bear, the subscripts “x” and “y” stand for the specific types of relations involved.
  • “A” and “B” stand for the events in the current context that are included in the overall relational response pattern.
  • "|||" is a symbol for entailment.
Specifically, if an arbitrarily applicable relational response is occurring, then a response to B in terms of A as part of an "rx"response, entails a response to A in terms of B as part of a "rx"response. Stated another way, if mutual entailment is occurring, "rx" and "ry" are two aspects of the relational operant.

 ちなみに、一番上の引用の中で「Arbitrary stimulus relations are always mutual.」とあるように、非恣意的な事象関係は常に相互的である。恣意的な関係も日常生活では当たり前のように受け止めがちであるが、じつはこれは自然の法則でも何でもなくて、人間がそのような反応を派生しているからそう見えるのである。

相互的内包とは,双方向性の関係づけに対する基礎的な用語である。たとえば, AはBよりも<大きい>と教えられた場合に, BはAより<小さい>という関係性を派生することである。
